dithane m45

dithane m45

- Satu-satunya produk mankozeb dengan Harga Fungisida Dithane M-45 80WP 500 gram - Fungisida Kontak Mankozeb. EPA Dithane® M-45 80WP - Thuốc phòng trừ bệnh phổ rộng trên nhiều loại cây trồng, có bổ sung thêm vi lượng Kẽm, Mangan. Dithane® M45 fungicide is a broad-spectrum protectant fungicide labeled for outdoor or greenhouse grown crops Optimum disease control is achieved when the fungicide is applied in a regularly scheduled preventative spray program The addition of an agricultural surfactant will improve fungicide performance by providing a more uniform spray. DITHANE™ M-45 WP NT Polvo mojable – WP Fungicida agrícola Registro de venta ICA No. Gyártó : Dow Agrosciences.2004. Bahan aktif mankozeb berbentuk tepung pada Dithane-M45 di beri kode formulasi WP (Werrable Powder) yang berarti tepung dengan ukuran partikel yang sangat kecil.000. Aplikasi DITHANE M-45 80 WP sebaiknya dilakukan pada pagi hari setelah embun kering tetapi sebelum matahari terik, atau sore hari setelah jam 15., který nabyl účinnosti dne 31. Informații suplimentare. • No reported resistance to Dithane* even after more than 45 years of commercial use. Dithane® M45 fungicide is a broad-spectrum protectant fungicide labeled for outdoor or greenhouse grown crops Optimum disease control is achieved when the fungicide is applied in a regularly scheduled preventative spray program The addition of an agricultural surfactant will improve fungicide performance by providing a more uniform spray Sredstvo DITHANE M-45 se lahko uporablja: a) na pelargonijah, nageljnih, krizantemah, ma čehah in drugih okrasnih rastlinah v zaš čitenih prostorih za zatiranje listnih pegavosti ( Septoria sp. Adauga in cos. The addition of an agricultural surfactant will improve fungicide performance by providing a more uniform spray The addition of agricultural surfactants to Dithane M-45 sprays will improve initial spray deposits, fun-gicide redistribution and weatherability. La aplicación debe ser preven- tiva para el control de las enfermedades de los cultivos especificados en la Ficha Técnica adjunta en esta página en el apartado "Info Técnica". A Dithane M 45 gombaölő szer 0,2-0,3 %-os oldatával a magvetéseket és kikelő kis csíranövényeket szokták palántadőlés ellen beöntözni, a talajban élő gombák ellen hatásos. 12/11/2012. Dithane M-45 prin modul de actiune multisite (întrerupe activitatea enzimatica in 6 puncte diferite), impiedica aparitia fenomenului de rezistenta la patogen. +. Meski pada umumnya fungisida yang berformulasi DITHANE M-45 este un fungicid cu spectru deosebit de larg de actiune, utilizat in culturile de vita de vie, cartof, tomate, castraveti, ceapa, pomi fructiferi, hamei. DITHANE M45 80wp. Dithane M45 (500gr) este cel mai cunoscut fungicid de contact, cu un spectru foarte larg de combatere a patogenilor din culturile de camp, cartof, legume, flori, livezi si vita de vie, precum si la tratarea semintelor. Harga Dithane m 45 80wp 500 gr Fungisida Kontak Mankozeb m45 Pembasmi Hama. ft. Rp78. Southern Ag 12102 Sticker Spreader 16oz. 4 zákona č. Fight fire from protected location or safe distance. Acesta se aplica preventiv, in conditii favorabile atacului de mana sau alti agenti patogeni si poate fi utilizat de-a lungul intregii perioade cu risc de atac. 326/2004 Sb.), rij ( Puccinia sp. Namjena sredstva: fungicid. Mudah larut dalam air. - Satu-satunya produk mankozeb dengan Harga Fungisida Dithane M-45 80WP 500 gram - Fungisida Kontak Mankozeb. Substanta activa: 80 % mancozeb, hexametilentetramina (CAS 100-97-0). Meski pada umumnya fungisida yang berformulasi DITHANE M-45 este un fungicid cu spectru deosebit de larg de actiune, utilizat in culturile de vita de vie, cartof, tomate, castraveti, ceapa, pomi fructiferi, hamei. Caracteristici: Dithane M 45 este cel mai cunoscut fungicid de contact, cu un spectru foarte larg de combatere a patogenilor din culturile de camp, cartof, legume, flori, livezi si vita de vie, precum si la tratarea semintelor. Descripción general: Fungicida de amplio espectro, con acción de contacto. Rate per dari 400 penyakit tanaman. berdebu dan memberikan nutrisi tambahan bagi tanaman. Keunggulan Fungisida Dithane M-45 – Dithane M-45 adalah fungisida berbentuk tepung berwarna kuning yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan penyakit jamur (fungal borne disease) yang menyerang pada pertanian, perkebunan dan DITHANE M-45 : August 02, 1995 (PDF) 707-78: DITHANE M-45 : DITHANE M45 AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE: 1 - 1: Information about Product Registrations and Transfers.773lb Systemic Soluble Insecticde for Turf, Tree & Ornamentals. Sehinnga penggunaanya harus diaduk lebih dahulu kedalam air sebelum digunakan. Note: DITHANE M-45 800 WP NT is a preventative contact fungicide and should be applied before expected infection periods, or in regular programmes.Mix the recommended quantity of powder with Fungicid Dithane M 45. Rp97. • It is based on the active ingredient, mancozeb, which belongs to the dithiocarbamates group of compounds. Substanta activa combate patogenii prin inhibarea germinatiei sporilor. Almatermésűekben (alma, körte, birs, naspolya) a kezeléseket az aszkospóra-szóródás időszakában, preventív módon célszerű elkezdeni, és a fertőzés erőssége alapján 10-14 naponkénti gyakorisággal szükséges folytatni. Harga Fungisida Dithane M-45 80 WP 200 gram obat fungi jamur busuk anggrek. Rp38. Lợi ích sản phẩm Cây trồng Đối tượng phòng trừ Hướng dẫn sử dụng Phim sản phẩm. Dithane M45 (500gr) este cel mai cunoscut fungicid de contact, cu un spectru foarte larg de combatere a patogenilor din culturile de camp, cartof, legume, flori, livezi si vita de vie, precum si la tratarea semintelor.A.05. 49. • Use of Dithane M45 according to this supplemental labeling is subject to all use precautions and limitations imposed by the label affixed to the container for Dithane M45. Rp97. Szőlőben, gyümölcsösökben, zöldségfélékben, szántóföldi- és dísznövény kultúrákban a - lisztharmat és szürkepenész kivételével – levél, szár, termésbetegségek ellen használható. ¿Qué controla? Dithane M45 80WP bảo vệ toàn bộ bề mặt lá.4% Acephate 0. Dupa aplicarea tratamentului cu fungicidul Dithane M45 producatorul recomanda un timp de pauza pana la recoltare de: – 7 de zile la cultura de cartof tratata pentru combaterea manei. Fight fire from protected location or safe distance. MF. Consider the use of unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzles.b. Se poate aplica atat pe culturile in aer liber, cat si pentru legumele crescute in sera, iar modul sau de actiune Dithane M45 (500gr) este cel mai cunoscut fungicid de contact, cu un spectru foarte larg de combatere a patogenilor din culturile de camp, cartof, legume, flori, livezi si vita de vie, precum si la tratarea semintelor. KOMBAT DITHANE is an organic fungicide as a wettable powder for prevention and control of a number of diseases as listed on fruit, vegetables, ornamentals and flowers.499 Dithane M. Nov 22, 2020 · Aplikasi fungisida DITHANE M-45 80 WP dilakukan dengan penyemprotan dengan dosis antara 3 – 6 gram per liter air. Riziko vzplývající z použití přípravku je při dodržení návodu na použití a správné aplikaci pro včely přijatelné. Orthene 97. Prin modul de actiune multisite (intrerupe activitatea enzimatica in 6 puncte diferite), impiedica aparitia Ce este Dithane M45? Dithane M 45 este cel mai cunoscut fungicid de contact mancozeb (substanta activa) de inalta calitate si eficienta, potrivit pentru culturile de legume, fructe si vita de vie, dar si pentru tratarea semintelor. Keistimewaan dan Keunggulan. Područje primjene: voćarstvo, vinogradarstvo, povrćarstvo, ratarstvo. Info Técnica. MF. IN STOC. per crop. Mudah larut dalam air. Dithane M-45 80 WP mudah larut dalam air dan tidak mengganggu peralatan nosel sprayer. 1.00 lei. 12/11/2012. KOMBAT DITHANE is an organic fungicide as a wettable powder for prevention and control of a number of diseases as listed on fruit, vegetables, ornamentals and flowers. Dithane M-45 este un fungicid cu spectru deosebit de larg de actiune, utilizat in culturile de vita de vie, cartof, tomate, castraveti, ceapa, pomi fructiferi, hamei, etc. ·. 12/11/2012. dengan micro nutrient (Zn & Mn) yang mengurangi efek.This item: Southern Ag Dithane M-45 Fungus & Disease Control (6 Ounce) 80.000114. Là huốc trừ nấm dạng tiếp xúc, phổ rộng. Dithane has been registered for use on dozens of crops for more than 50 years. • Very fine particle size of Dithane give better solubility & spreading on the leaf surface providing better disease protection. It is important to follow a programme and if significant rainfall is experienced product should be re-sprayed. 010201197459. - Setiap butir partikel Dithane M-45 80 WP dikapsulasi. 20. Prin modul de actiune multisite (intrerupe activitatea enzimatica in 6 puncte diferite), impiedica 11 évvel ezelőtt. Ngoài ra còn bổ xung Mn và Zn làm cho cây cứng cáp, thích hợp thay đổi môi trường, ngừa bệnh. Rp33. Opiniones. Tip: Kliknutím na zkratky (Formulace,Omezení-včely) přejdete A. berdebu dan memberikan nutrisi tambahan bagi tanaman. Use water spray to cool fire exposed containers and fire affected zone until fire is out and danger of reignition has passed. Rp78. - Ukuran partikel yang lebih halus dan lebih cepat larut, sehingga hasil semprotan di daun menjadi lebih merata. This product is also labeled for use in commercial production of some vegetable crops including melons, tomatoes, and squash. Substanta activa combate patogenii prin inhibarea germinatiei sporilor. Substanta activa: 80 % mancozeb, hexametilentetramina (CAS 100-97-0). Orijentacijska cijena: 95,00 Kn / 1 kg ( bez PDV-a ) DITHANE M 45. Substanta activa combate patogenii prin inhibarea germinatiei sporilor. 326/2004 Sb. Opiniones. Označení účinku na včely uvedené do souladu s § 42 odst.000. - Setiap butir partikel Dithane M-45 80 WP dikapsulasi.45.000114. Descriere. DITHANE M-45. 20 tablespoonfuls per 1,000 sq.b. Find supplemental labels for this product. 1. Atau 48-96 gram per tangki 16 liter. DITHANE M 45 este fungicid de contact, cu spectru deosebit de larg de acțiune, utilizat în culturile de vița de vie, cartof, tomate, castraveți, ceapă, pomi fructiferi, hamei etc.H. Formulacija sredstva: močivo prašivo. Stoc epuizat. Thuốc trừ bệnh vàng lá, đạo ôn, thán thư, mốc sương, rỉ sắt,… Frequently bought together. 49. Timpul aplicarii: Dithane M-45 se aplica preventiv, in conditii favorabile atacului de mana sau alti patogeni. 1.dari 400 penyakit tanaman. 4 zákona č.H. Review ini berdasarkan bahan aktif dan Sep 28, 2017 · Fungisida Mankozeb 80 WP tidak menimbulkan fitotoksik pada tanaman jika digunakan sesuai petunjuk. Područje primjene: voćarstvo, vinogradarstvo, povrćarstvo, ratarstvo. Formulacija sredstva: močivo prašivo. Keistimewaan dan Keunggulan. Dithane M-45 je preventivni kontakni fungicid za suzbijanje biljnih bolesti proizvođača Dow AgroSciences V. Note: DITHANE M-45 800 WP NT is a preventative contact fungicide and should be applied before expected infection periods, or in regular programmes.) ter plesni ( Peronospora sp. dengan micro nutrient (Zn & Mn) yang mengurangi efek. Trừ được vài trăm loại nấm bệnh thông dụng.05. Prin modul de actiune multisite (intrerupe activitatea enzimatica in 6 puncte diferite), impiedica Product Name: Dithane M45 Fungicide Issue Date: 2012/05/08 Page 3 of 9 to cool and prevent re-ignition. Ngoài ra còn bổ xung Mn và Zn làm cho cây cứng cáp, thích hợp thay đổi môi trường, ngừa bệnh. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a kezelés után a Reviews. Harga Fungisida Dithane ditane M-45 Dhitane M45 obat jamur dithane. Prin modul de actiune multisite (intrerupe activitatea enzimatica in 6 puncte diferite), impiedica Dithane M45 este cel mai cunoscut fungicid de contact, cu un spectru foarte larg de combatere a patogenilor din culturile de camp, cartof, legume, flori, livezi si vita de vie, precum si la tratarea semintelor. Spray Drift Management Use 1 1/2 - 2 tablespoonfuls per gallon of water.45 is compatible with most fungicides and pesticides and is easily applied directly to the foliage or soil. Substanta activa combate patogenii prin inhibarea germinatiei sporilor. 4 zákona č. Dithane® M45 fungicide is a broad-spectrum protectant fungicide labeled for outdoor or greenhouse grown crops Optimum disease control is achieved when the fungicide is applied in a regularly scheduled preventative spray program The addition of an agricultural surfactant will improve fungicide performance by providing a more uniform spray DITHANE M45. Aplikasi DITHANE M-45 80 WP sebaiknya dilakukan pada pagi hari setelah embun kering tetapi sebelum matahari terik, atau sore hari setelah jam 15.m. Keunggulan Fungisida Dithane M-45 – Dithane M-45 adalah fungisida berbentuk tepung berwarna kuning yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan penyakit jamur (fungal borne disease) yang menyerang pada pertanian, perkebunan dan Fungicid Dithane M-45. +. Tretira se lahko najve č tri krat v eni rastni dobi v koncentraciji do Nov 12, 2012 · DITHANE M-45. Carefully follow all precautionary statements and applicable use directions. Dithane M45 80WP có công thức độc đáo cho hàm lượng thành phần ổn định, gia tăng cung cấp vi lượng kẽm (Zn2+) và Mangan (Mn2+) cho cây, giúp bảo vệ cây sạch bệnh, gân lá cứng và xanh mướt hơn. BOLI. Prin modul de actiune multisite (intrerupe activitatea enzimatica in 6 puncte diferite), impiedica Dithane M45 este cel mai cunoscut fungicid de contact, cu un spectru foarte larg de combatere a patogenilor din culturile de camp, cartof, legume, flori, livezi si vita de vie, precum si la tratarea semintelor. 5. Este cel mai folosit fungicid pe plan mondial, omologat pentru combaterea a mai mult de 400 de boli în peste 70 de culturi. A fertőzés tüneteinek észlelésekor a védekezést meg kell kezdeni, járványveszélyes időszakokban 7-8 naponként szükség szerint meg kell ismételni. Dithane M-45 80 WP mengandung substansi bahan aktif Mankozeb 80%, yang bekerja secara kontak pada bagian yang terinfeksi. Dengan Izin tetap 08 August 2021 RI. Cikkszám: T00626.45 is compatible with most fungicides and pesticides and is easily applied directly to the foliage or soil.500. Add Dithane M-45 to the spray mixture prior to adding an adjuvant. Sehinnga penggunaanya harus diaduk lebih dahulu kedalam air sebelum digunakan. Dithane M-45 je preventivni kontakni fungicid za suzbijanje biljnih bolesti proizvođača Dow AgroSciences V. Bahan aktif mankozeb berbentuk tepung pada Dithane-M45 di beri kode formulasi WP (Werrable Powder) yang berarti tepung dengan ukuran partikel yang sangat kecil.+. La aplicación debe ser preven- tiva para el control de las enfermedades de los cultivos especificados en la Ficha Técnica adjunta en esta página en el apartado "Info Técnica". Tip: Kliknutím na zkratky (Formulace,Omezení-včely) přejdete A. +. 326/2004 Sb. Atau 48-96 gram per tangki 16 liter.Features. Sredstvo DITHANE M-45 se lahko uporablja: a) na pelargonijah, nageljnih, krizantemah, ma čehah in drugih okrasnih rastlinah v zaš čitenih prostorih za zatiranje listnih pegavosti ( Septoria sp. Tretira se lahko najve č tri krat v eni rastni dobi v koncentraciji do DITHANE M-45.m. Rp38. Rất có lợi cho Đòng và Bông lúa.499 Dithane M., který nabyl účinnosti dne 31. DITHANE M45 80wp. Namjena sredstva: fungicid. Bahan aktif mankozeb berbentuk tepung pada Dithane-M45 di beri kode formulasi WP (Werrable Powder) yang berarti tepung dengan ukuran partikel yang sangat kecil. It is important to follow a programme and if significant rainfall is experienced product should be re-sprayed. Keistimewaan dan Keunggulan.05.2004. 20. Begin applications when plants are 4 to 6 inches high; and repeat at 5-10 day intervals. Substanta activa combate patogenii prin inhibarea germinatiei sporilor. Substanta activa: 80 % mancozeb, hexametilentetramina (CAS 100-97-0). Many rose growers use Southern Ag Dithane M-45 to combat Black Spot. 154 lei 140 lei / buc. Sep 10, 2016 · Tulisan kali ini akan membahas beberapa merek fungisida yang sudah banyak dikenal petani diantaranya Antracol 70WP dan Dithane M45 80WP.000. 3699. Substanta activa combate patogenii prin inhibarea germinatiei sporilor. Dithane M45 80WP có công thức độc đáo cho hàm lượng thành phần ổn định, gia tăng cung cấp vi lượng kẽm (Zn2+) và Mangan (Mn2+) cho cây, giúp bảo vệ cây sạch bệnh, gân lá cứng và xanh mướt hơn. Deciduous Fruits: DITHANE M-45 800 WP NT can also be applied as a High Mar 31, 2011 · • Read the label affixed to the container for Dithane® M45 fungicide before applying. This item: Southern Ag Dithane M-45 Fungus & Disease Control (6 Ounce) 80. Dithane ® F-45 fungicide is a broad-spectrum fungicide containing the active ingredient mancozeb.000. Caracteristici: Dithane M 45 este cel mai cunoscut fungicid de contact, cu un spectru foarte larg de combatere a patogenilor din culturile de camp, cartof, legume, flori, livezi si vita de vie, precum si la tratarea semintelor. Fungisida lain seperti Ziflo 90 WP, Tiflo 80WP dimana kedua fungisida ini belum terkenal namun meawarkan banyak keunggulan selain Antracol 70WP maupun Dithane M45 80WP. DITHANE M. Meski pada umumnya fungisida yang berformulasi DITHANE M-45 este un fungicid cu spectru deosebit de larg de actiune, utilizat in culturile de vita de vie, cartof, tomate, castraveti, ceapa, pomi fructiferi, hamei. 4304 Titular del registro: Dow AgroSciences de Colombia S. Timpul aplicarii: Dithane M-45 se aplica preventiv, in conditii favorabile atacului de mana sau alti patogeni. Tip: Kliknutím na zkratky (Formulace,Omezení-včely) přejdete A. Prin modul de actiune multisite (intrerupe activitatea enzimatica in 6 puncte diferite), impiedica aparitia Ce este Dithane M45? Dithane M 45 este cel mai cunoscut fungicid de contact mancozeb (substanta activa) de inalta calitate si eficienta, potrivit pentru culturile de legume, fructe si vita de vie, dar si pentru tratarea semintelor.